Comments: LaRouche on Texas Ballot

Calling Lyndon LaRouche an "economist" is sorta like calling George W. Bush an intellectual.

Posted by Tim Z at December 21, 2003 09:21 PM

who are the people giving this crazy man so much money? Who got all these petitions signed? and where? did the people know what they were signing?

Posted by J. F. at December 21, 2003 11:25 PM

This is insane!! Is it just a filing fee required to be on the presidential ballot in Texas, or are petitions needed?

I'm still trying to figure out why Howard Dean is the only mainstream Dem who has filed to be on the ballot. I've emailed the John Edwards campaign (I'm an Edwards supporter) and asked why he hasn't filed, but have received NO response.

Posted by Vince at December 22, 2003 12:12 AM
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