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My Primary Thoughts

by: Karl-Thomas Musselman

Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 17:56:01 PM CST

Backing the underdog means you will lose more often than not. Backing "outside - the - establishment" candidates means we have to build momentum over time. Good thing for the modern conservative movement that they didn't pack it in after Barry Goldwater got crushed. They knew they were in it for the long haul...

In politics it is far easier to pick the easy fights, the conventional wisdom, and attitudes that have determined elections in the past rather than to challenge any of these things and risk losing face, credibility, or suffer defeat.

While the opening quote was from a post elsewhere on the blogosphere today unrelated to Texas elections, it introduces a personal point that I have explored only once or twice before in my 2.5 years of writing.  I will attempt to make this coherent, relevant, and purposeful without boring anyone with some drawn out tirade.

Yes, I voted for and supported Democrat Bob Gammage.  I had been courted and at times coerced by opposing interests throughout the past year, and in the end wound on the minority side of a rare split in the Texas blogosphere.  I started out as a Chris Bell supporter through the days of the "exploratorium" and was there (with Jennifer Gale) when University Democrats launched Bell's campaign. And I, like a number of activist Democrats, turned to a new option as we searched for a repository for our energy and hope.

In the end, it was too late.  I'll be the first to admit, in an election with abysmal turnout, running for a year, direct mail, and even newspaper endorsements made a big difference.  Congratulations to Team Bell, however many of you there are; you won a crushing victory on Tuesday because that is what it was, I'm not going to sugarcoat it.  I will take solace in the fact that my personal communities (the Hill Country, the gay community, the Austin reform community, and my fellow young Democrats) were standing there with me in this election for Bob.

Now, some have asked why I haven’t written on this yet. Did I need time to mope or to go cry in the corner?

Hell no.

I'm used to losing believe it or not, it's part of being a Democrat and as a Progressive Reform Democrat in Texas, even more so.  It's part of fighting for what you believe in and challenging what you’re given. And believe it or not, I do actually have classes, meetings, and a thicker skin than people care to believe.

There are a lot of races in every election. There is only so much time, money, and energy one can expend fighting in any amount of contests.  But I choose to fight personally, and of late also as a blogger, because I am energized by the fact that there is still something left fighting for in our disheveled Party.  I will not stand for the continued degeneration of our political system into a "Run Nowhere" democracy.  It kills me that regardless of who won the Governor's nomination they would be faced with a statewide ticket of running mates, nearly half of whom can't exceed 2002's Marty Akins in electoral muster, while dealing with a State Party that actively recruited candidates like Tony Buzbee out of filing for office.

But there are victories. Matt gives a great explanation of this.  For me, every candidate I backed and helped in some capacity here in Travis County won or led their run-off on Tuesday.  In SD-19, a race overlooked by the same national blogs and interests that harped on the ultimately losing Ciro vs. Cuellar effort, BOR and a select few other Texas blogs worked with the underdog campaign of Carlos Uresti, playing a key role in allowing him to unseat a sitting Texas Senator which will do far more in ensuring Democratic Senate unity next year to protect Texas from some of the most heinous right-wing proposals.

We are actively reporting on the obscene anti-democratic ascension of power by the likes of James Leininger, in hopes that by bringing to light the worst of Texas conservatism, we can inspire solutions that even the playing field Texas politics and keep hard working honest Texans from losing trust and hope in a system that is supposed to work for them.

I love politics. I live it, I breath it, and occasionally I miss class for it (sorry Dad).  I recognize that being 21 puts me decades behind others in historical knowledge.  I respect the wisdom of political elders, they have taught me much already.  It was that very binding of "Past" with Bob Gammage and "Future" that students and activists represent that sustained our commitment and energy.  A remembrance of what was, with the empowerment of 'what could be'.

I will continue to look forward. I will continue to fight.  And will continue to not regret a single minute of it.

Karl-Thomas Musselman

P.S. I almost forgot what prompted me to write this post.  Our dear friend Greg Wythe.

One bit of mockery deserves to be aimed directly at BurntOrangeReport's Karl Musselman. I'm curious if he'll now finally release those infamous "numbers he's seen" in the Bell/Gammage race that portend a Gammage victory. For someone who once referred to himself as a "Reform Democrat" only to endorse Martin Frost for DNC and, for Guv, the guy who helped turn the Texas bench over to George Bush ... it's rather hard to figure out what Karl stands for these days other than ... well ... Karl.

For the record G-man, it's Karl-Thomas with a hyphen, and I supported Howard Dean for DNC chair as early as November of 2004.  Try a search next time, don't get confused, and save your bitter mockery for Rick Perry.

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My Primary Thoughts | 31 comments | Time to post comments expired.
greg (0.00 / 0)
should calm down

by: david @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:14:26 PM CST
[ Reply ]
Agreed (0.00 / 0)
There are times when I want to gently tease Karl-Thomas, it's true, but I can't think of any time I've ever seen cause to be out and out mean.

Also, he's ruining my rep as the corrupt, Republican-lite libertarian wannabe. I'm the pro-business hack at BOR! Everybody remember that.

by: Jim Dallas @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 00:17:27 AM CST
[ Parent | Reply ]
K-T, do you think (0.00 / 0)
that Bob should have run for Lt. Governor?

I for one really wish that he had.

"The Bushite arctic freeze is thawing nationally, but in Texas we're still iced in. Fight 'em on the ice." -- DVO

by: PDiddie @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:15:15 PM CST
[ Reply ]
Past (0.00 / 0)
What's past is past.  We have a gubernatorial nominee. 

We have a run off for Lt. Gov between someone who's actually had some experience in the legislature over someone, as lovely as a lady as she is, will not be able to go toe to toemail with Dewhurst in the fall.  To the run-offs.

I can help you ActBlue.

by: Karl-Thomas Musselman @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:32:10 PM CST
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Maria Luisa will be the nominee (0.00 / 0)
Though I support Ben Z., he's not going to be able to carry enough of DeLeon's supporters to win.

And Greg just needs to get some rest.

"The Bushite arctic freeze is thawing nationally, but in Texas we're still iced in. Fight 'em on the ice." -- DVO

by: PDiddie @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:59:33 PM CST
[ Parent | Reply ]
Yeah (0.00 / 0)
I think you're probably right PDiddie.  I'll be voting for Grant, if only because he's still the UDems endorsed candidate, but with Bob out of the race now, I feel kind of bad for Ben and Fred.  I'd like to say that Alvarado on name alone *might* help someone by increading Hispanic turnout somewhere, but I don't know if it will make much of a difference.

How sad is that.

I can help you ActBlue.

by: Karl-Thomas Musselman @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 19:02:02 PM CST
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ok wait (0.00 / 0)
victem of the hasty enter button here.
That was probably a little harsh. Or a lot harsh. Sorry to Greg.

Prisoner of hope.
by: comeon @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:20:03 PM CST
[ Reply ]
above (0.00 / 0)
I can always delete or hide it if you want.

I can help you ActBlue.
by: Karl-Thomas Musselman @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:29:49 PM CST
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would you? (0.00 / 0)
it's really not like me to be like that

Prisoner of hope.
by: comeon @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:52:25 PM CST
[ Parent | Reply ]
done (0.00 / 0)
It's hidden.

I can help you ActBlue.
by: Karl-Thomas Musselman @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:55:15 PM CST
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Ok, Everyone.... (4.00 / 2)
Ok now, let's not turn this into one blogger vs. another blogger. I saw Greg's comments, too and took them with a grain of salt. Same for Karl-T's comments on Greg's comments. After a tough primary season, it's all we can do. And, I don't think either was being deliberately harsh to the other. We're all friends here, as much as we may disagree on various issues.

I, for the record, was supporting Chris Bell and was probably in the minority here at BOR (at least, I think I was). But, guess what? We're all working for the common good and we can all get along.

That's the great thing about we bloggers and the Democratic Party: We can have our differences, but in the end, we're all out for the same goal...a better tomorrow, a better Texas, and a better United States.

Vince Leibowitz

by: Vince Leibowitz @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:54:20 PM CST
[ Reply ]
Re; Ok, Everyone (0.00 / 0)
I didn't intend for this thread to turn into a discussion over Greg, which was by far the minority of my post.

Though Vince, I think you were probably in the majority on BOR.  Phillip was pretty even handed, and while I know how a couple other writers felt, I was about the only one publicly saying anything.

This post was meant to be a combination of final thoughts and one of those few more emotional pieces I get to write every few months.

I can help you ActBlue.

by: Karl-Thomas Musselman @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 18:57:51 PM CST
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ok back to the topic at hand (0.00 / 0)
Great Post. K-T
I feel ya.

Prisoner of hope.
by: comeon @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 19:00:30 PM CST
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Emotional pieces? (0.00 / 0)
Don't apologize for them.  The world's got all it needs of emotionless political operatives.

What we need is more passion - the informed passion of bloggers like Digby and ReddHedd and Jane Hamsher, leavened with the biting snark of Dependable Renegade - if progressives are going to make any progress.

Emote away.

by: aerialist @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 21:37:30 PM CST
[ Parent | Reply ]
What else can I say... (0.00 / 0)
First, you the man KT!  Second, I really enjoyed being in the battle with you in this election and I hope we'll fight again on the same side in the future.

by: David O. @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 21:37:41 PM CST
[ Reply ]
PS: (3.00 / 2)
Fall Out Boy's "Sugar We're Going Down" still rocks as an embarrasing to admit I love song! :)

by: David O. @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 21:39:52 PM CST
[ Reply ]
haha (0.00 / 0)
I hear ya. I only wish I had a chance to post your version. :)

I can help you ActBlue.
by: Karl-Thomas Musselman @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 21:57:14 PM CST
[ Parent | Reply ]
Oh wow... (0.00 / 0)
I almost hid your comment so other people woudln't see you admit that. It's an embarrasingly lovable song like lupus is an embarrasingly fun disease...

by: Matt Hardigree @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 22:05:07 PM CST
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"My Primary Thoughts" is a work of genius (4.60 / 5)
Once in a blue moon something is written so brilliant that it makes hours of trolling though vapid blogs worthwhile.  Such is this commentary by Karl-Thomas.

Karl hits two points dead on.  One is the idea of working for the underdog no matter how hopeless if the cause is right.  The other is his expressed love of politics and understanding that politics binds one to the past and future like no other endeavor.

The last time I was so inspired was when I had breakfast with Ed Wendler in 1976 immediately after he lost the election for Travis Tax=Assessor Collector.  He was totally defeated and impoverished.  Yet he said exactly what Karl-Thomas said.  I remember him saying how he loved politics more than life itself and with people like David Butts, who worked for pennies in those days, he would be ecstatic when a contribution of $100 arrived in the mail because he could fight for a few more days. Although Ed and I were political opposites we both believed in the nobility of politics--which is just people-- and his words that morning helped keep me in the game when all was lost, which was usually the case.

The secret of success is failure Karl-Thomas.  Any idiot can win and advance by “social promotion”.  But only those who don't avoid failure bring about needed change. Confucius said, “If you want the measure of a man look at his failures.”  As Ann Richards always said, "the world can be changed by a few people.  In fact that is the only way it is ever changed."

Six years after I had breakfast with a totally defeated Ed Wendler he rose to engineer the greatest liberal takeover of Texas in our history.  (Which meant all my candidates lost.).  Our victory at San Jacinto would have been impossible without the complete defeat at the Alamo.

You and the people who believe as you do will accomplish more than you now believe possible. Keep true to your beliefs.  It is in human nature that all institutions become corrupt.  The genius of our system of Democracy is that the old and the corrupt and the status quo can always be challenged and usually defeated.

Trust me, 35 years ago Republican prospects in Texas were far worse than those of the Democrats are today.  I think we have governed well.  But the great creativity and idealism, which brought us success, have inevitably been replaced by an ossified dogmatism and inordinate love of title, power and money. 

I will probably disagree with most posting on this site until the day I die.  But where I am wrong it is essential to the future of Texas that you and your friends fight for what you believe is right.  And fight you must because there is probably nobody else who will fight for the same things.  Only one person in a hundred thousand really makes things happen in politics and writes history.  It is very important that you and your fellow posters be among that handful. 

After all, we’re Texas.


by: Masset @ Thu Mar 09, 2006 at 23:00:34 PM CST
[ Reply ]
Republican prospects were worse (0.00 / 0), is that ever the truth.  We used to joke that Texas Republicans could hold their convention in a phone booth.

See how much has changed?  Also, we don't have phone booths anymore.

Royal, if that's you, you're a mensch.

by: aerialist @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 08:58:22 AM CST
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Thank you (3.67 / 3)
for writing this... and ignore Greg. Everyone else does.

by: The Trey @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 09:43:44 AM CST
[ Reply ]
Karl-Thomas supporter (5.00 / 2)
I really don't see what all the hand-wringing is about. We had a primary with two legitimate candidates, one got more votes than the other, and now we're on the way to November with a solid nominee.

I, for one, applaud this so-called "split in the Texas blogosphere". Quite often, the blogosphere unites to help make a difference for great candidates (like Carlos Uresti, Katy Hubener) and thats great, but I think sometimes a bit of a herd mentality creeps into support for our support of particular candidates or causes. This time, we supported different candidates, made up our own minds. That's good for democracy.

by: janevieu @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 12:44:07 PM CST
[ Reply ]
BUZBEE (0.00 / 0)
Karl-Thomas, this is Tony Buzbee. Are you suggesting that I was asked not to run? I'm not sure I follow your comment about me. But, for the record, I decided this wasn't my year, but haven't ruled out trying in the future. Don't get down man. This thing will turn around, hopefully sooner rather than later.

by: tbuzbee @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 13:44:50 PM CST
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we could have used you (0.00 / 0)

by: david @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 23:45:07 PM CST
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Mr. Buzbee (0.00 / 0)
Thank you for writing Tony! If I had known you were out here I'd have asked you about that. What was told to me was passed on by those that worked at the party during the filing period. Maybe they were speaking in general about candidates running, with your name included in that general philosophy. If that got mixed up my apologies.

I hope that you will indeed run in the future, maybe part of a bang up statewide ticket in 2010 with Bill White and others.  From what others have said, here and offline, I'd be proud to support your future efforts. We'll get there eventually.

I can help you ActBlue.

by: Karl-Thomas Musselman @ Sat Mar 11, 2006 at 00:21:04 AM CST
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So Greg's rubbing it in a little (3.00 / 3)
That's Greg fer ya ... it was to be expected. Sorry you're down about your guy not winning. Don't be sad, Mini Me, we've got a great candidate for governor. There are many of us primary voters who are happy Chris won, and we believe that he was always the best candidate. It's not that we didn't like Bob, but honestly, his campaign's effort to market him as the "real" Democrat was disingenuous and pitted progressive Dems against each other. There's no hard feelings from Bell supporters, but after reading some of the comments in the blogosphere, there are plenty of Gammagites who are bitter about the whole thing. They refuse to support Chris as the Democratic nominee and would rather vote Republican (for Kinky, the OTG or Perry). That's all fine and dandy, but just take into account how hypocritical that appears - many were against Chris because he's "Republican lite" - (total bullshit, BTW) - yet, they're voting for an actual Republican in November. Where is the sense in that???

by: Tejana @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 15:31:44 PM CST
[ Reply ]
I think you're generalizing from the particular (0.00 / 0) saying what "many" Gammage supporters plan to do, based on the statements of a few.

But I do think Bell, if he wants Gammage supporters to back him now, ought to ask them to do so and be prepared to explain to them why he merits their support.

I think most Gammage folks are pretty strong Dems, but I also think simple courtesy demands Bell not take them for granted.

Remember that the "marketing" you reference was hardly one-sided.  There were a lot of fliers sent to Democrats that declared "Gammage:Damage." As you might imagine, some Gammage supporters found that pretty offensive.

I know Bell is now calling Bob a "great guy" on his blog, and a lot of people will agree with that.  But he still needs to talk to Bob's supporters about the reasons they should be confident that Gammage's specific issues won't be tossed overboard as Bell heads toward November.

Bob Gammage himself was a big part of what appealed to his supporters, but they also liked his forthright stands for raising the minimum wage, establishing a constitutional mandate for clean air and water, and for affordable health care, to name just three.

Chris Bell will run his own race, of course, and he should, but he needs to address the issues important to Gammage supporters if he wants their enthusiastic backing.

by: aerialist @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 16:08:41 PM CST
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The issues (0.00 / 0)
Chris has been reaching out to all Democrats by talking about the issues and about Democratic ideas in turning Texas around. Offering up a solid platform that Democrats can be proud of should be reason enough to support a good Democrat and our nominee for Governor.

by: Tejana @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 18:09:55 PM CST
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Thanks Royal (0.00 / 0)
I don't normally comment on other blogs, but wow, Royal, that was something really great.  It hurts on election night when something you believe in so much gets beat.  It sucks dealing with that afterwards.  But wow, that kind of said what I've been trying to say for a while now.

Also, KT, nicely done.


by: RawHide @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 15:58:02 PM CST
[ Reply ]
May I just point out (0.00 / 0)
that the opening quote is actually a direct quote from Crashing the Gate - the new book out from Kos and Jerome.  It's an excellent read that I highly recommend.

by: gnutpnut @ Fri Mar 10, 2006 at 18:14:44 PM CST
[ Reply ]
My Primary Thoughts | 31 comments | Time to post comments expired.

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